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Proximal Policy Gradient (PPO)


PPO is one of the most popular DRL algorithms. It runs reasonably fast by leveraging vector (parallel) environments and naturally works well with different action spaces, therefore supporting a variety of games. It also has good sample efficiency compared to algorithms such as DQN.

Original paper:

Reference resources:

All our PPO implementations below are augmented with the same code-level optimizations presented in openai/baselines's PPO. To achieve this, see how we matched the implementation details in our blog post The 37 Implementation Details of Proximal Policy Optimization.

Implemented Variants

Variants Implemented Description, docs For classic control tasks like CartPole-v1., docs For Atari games. It uses convolutional layers and common atari-based pre-processing techniques., docs For continuous action space. Also implemented Mujoco-specific code-level optimizations, docs For Atari games using LSTM without stacked frames., docs Uses the blazing fast Envpool Atari vectorized environment., docs For the procgen environments

Below are our single-file implementations of PPO:

The has the following features:

  • Works with the Box observation space of low-level features
  • Works with the Discrete action space
  • Works with envs like CartPole-v1


poetry install
python cleanrl/ --help
python cleanrl/ --env-id CartPole-v1

Explanation of the logged metrics

Running python cleanrl/ will automatically record various metrics such as actor or value losses in Tensorboard. Below is the documentation for these metrics:

  • charts/episodic_return: episodic return of the game
  • charts/episodic_length: episodic length of the game
  • charts/SPS: number of steps per second
  • charts/learning_rate: the current learning rate
  • losses/value_loss: the mean value loss across all data points
  • losses/policy_loss: the mean policy loss across all data points
  • losses/entropy: the mean entropy value across all data points
  • losses/old_approx_kl: the approximate Kullback–Leibler divergence, measured by (-logratio).mean(), which corresponds to the k1 estimator in John Schulman’s blog post on approximating KL
  • losses/approx_kl: better alternative to olad_approx_kl measured by (logratio.exp() - 1) - logratio, which corresponds to the k3 estimator in approximating KL
  • losses/clipfrac: the fraction of the training data that triggered the clipped objective
  • losses/explained_variance: the explained variance for the value function

Implementation details is based on the "13 core implementation details" in The 37 Implementation Details of Proximal Policy Optimization, which are as follows:

  1. Vectorized architecture ( common/
  2. Orthogonal Initialization of Weights and Constant Initialization of biases ( a2c/
  3. The Adam Optimizer's Epsilon Parameter ( ppo2/
  4. Adam Learning Rate Annealing ( ppo2/
  5. Generalized Advantage Estimation ( ppo2/
  6. Mini-batch Updates ( ppo2/
  7. Normalization of Advantages ( ppo2/
  8. Clipped surrogate objective ( ppo2/
  9. Value Function Loss Clipping ( ppo2/
  10. Overall Loss and Entropy Bonus ( ppo2/
  11. Global Gradient Clipping ( ppo2/
  12. Debug variables ( ppo2/
  13. Separate MLP networks for policy and value functions ( common/, baselines/common/

Experiment results

To run benchmark experiments, see benchmark/ Specifically, execute the following command:

Below are the average episodic returns for To ensure the quality of the implementation, we compared the results against openai/baselies' PPO.

Environment openai/baselies' PPO (Huang et al., 2022)1
CartPole-v1 492.40 ± 13.05 497.54 ± 4.02
Acrobot-v1 -89.93 ± 6.34 -81.82 ± 5.58
MountainCar-v0 -200.00 ± 0.00 -200.00 ± 0.00

Learning curves:

Tracked experiments and game play videos:

Video tutorial

If you'd like to learn in-depth, consider checking out the following video tutorial:

The has the following features:

  • For Atari games. It uses convolutional layers and common atari-based pre-processing techniques.
  • Works with the Atari's pixel Box observation space of shape (210, 160, 3)
  • Works with the Discrete action space


poetry install -E atari
python cleanrl/ --help
python cleanrl/ --env-id BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4

Explanation of the logged metrics

See related docs for

Implementation details is based on the "9 Atari implementation details" in The 37 Implementation Details of Proximal Policy Optimization, which are as follows:

  1. The Use of NoopResetEnv ( common/
  2. The Use of MaxAndSkipEnv ( common/
  3. The Use of EpisodicLifeEnv ( common/
  4. The Use of FireResetEnv ( common/
  5. The Use of WarpFrame (Image transformation) common/
  6. The Use of ClipRewardEnv ( common/
  7. The Use of FrameStack ( common/
  8. Shared Nature-CNN network for the policy and value functions ( common/, common/
  9. Scaling the Images to Range [0, 1] ( common/

Experiment results

To run benchmark experiments, see benchmark/ Specifically, execute the following command:

Below are the average episodic returns for To ensure the quality of the implementation, we compared the results against openai/baselies' PPO.

Environment openai/baselies' PPO (Huang et al., 2022)1
BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 416.31 ± 43.92 406.57 ± 31.554
PongNoFrameskip-v4 20.59 ± 0.35 20.512 ± 0.50
BeamRiderNoFrameskip-v4 2445.38 ± 528.91 2642.97 ± 670.37

Learning curves:

Tracked experiments and game play videos:

Video tutorial

If you'd like to learn in-depth, consider checking out the following video tutorial:

The has the following features:

  • For continuous action space. Also implemented Mujoco-specific code-level optimizations
  • Works with the Box observation space of low-level features
  • Works with the Box (continuous) action space


poetry install -E atari
python cleanrl/ --help
python cleanrl/ --env-id Hopper-v2

Explanation of the logged metrics

See related docs for

Implementation details is based on the "9 details for continuous action domains (e.g. Mujoco)" in The 37 Implementation Details of Proximal Policy Optimization, which are as follows:

  1. Continuous actions via normal distributions ( common/
  2. State-independent log standard deviation ( common/
  3. Independent action components ( common/
  4. Separate MLP networks for policy and value functions ( common/, baselines/common/
  5. Handling of action clipping to valid range and storage ( common/
  6. Normalization of Observation ( common/vec_env/
  7. Observation Clipping ( common/vec_env/
  8. Reward Scaling ( common/vec_env/
  9. Reward Clipping ( common/vec_env/

Experiment results

To run benchmark experiments, see benchmark/ Specifically, execute the following command:

Below are the average episodic returns for To ensure the quality of the implementation, we compared the results against openai/baselies' PPO.

Environment openai/baselies' PPO (Huang et al., 2022)1
Hopper-v2 2231.12 ± 656.72 2518.95 ± 850.46
Walker2d-v2 3050.09 ± 1136.21 3208.08 ± 1264.37
HalfCheetah-v2 1822.82 ± 928.11 2152.26 ± 1159.84

Learning curves:

Tracked experiments and game play videos:

Video tutorial

If you'd like to learn in-depth, consider checking out the following video tutorial:

The has the following features:

  • For Atari games using LSTM without stacked frames. It uses convolutional layers and common atari-based pre-processing techniques.
  • Works with the Atari's pixel Box observation space of shape (210, 160, 3)
  • Works with the Discrete action space


poetry install -E atari
python cleanrl/ --help
python cleanrl/ --env-id BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4

Explanation of the logged metrics

See related docs for

Implementation details is based on the "5 LSTM implementation details" in The 37 Implementation Details of Proximal Policy Optimization, which are as follows:

  1. Layer initialization for LSTM layers ( a2c/
  2. Initialize the LSTM states to be zeros ( common/
  3. Reset LSTM states at the end of the episode ( common/
  4. Prepare sequential rollouts in mini-batches ( a2c/
  5. Reconstruct LSTM states during training ( a2c/

To help test out the memory, we remove the 4 stacked frames from the observation (i.e., using env = gym.wrappers.FrameStack(env, 1) instead of env = gym.wrappers.FrameStack(env, 4) like in )

Experiment results

To run benchmark experiments, see benchmark/ Specifically, execute the following command:

Below are the average episodic returns for To ensure the quality of the implementation, we compared the results against openai/baselies' PPO.

Environment openai/baselies' PPO (Huang et al., 2022)1
BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 128.92 ± 31.10 138.98 ± 50.76
PongNoFrameskip-v4 19.78 ± 1.58 19.79 ± 0.67
BeamRiderNoFrameskip-v4 1536.20 ± 612.21 1591.68 ± 372.95

Learning curves:

Tracked experiments and game play videos:

The has the following features:

  • Uses the blazing fast Envpool vectorized environment.
  • For Atari games. It uses convolutional layers and common atari-based pre-processing techniques.
  • Works with the Atari's pixel Box observation space of shape (210, 160, 3)
  • Works with the Discrete action space


poetry install -E atari
python cleanrl/ --help
python cleanrl/ --env-id Breakout-v5

Explanation of the logged metrics

See related docs for

Implementation details uses a customized RecordEpisodeStatistics to work with envpool but has the same other implementation details as (see related docs).

Experiment results

To run benchmark experiments, see benchmark/ Specifically, execute the following command:

Below are the average episodic returns for Notice it has the same sample efficiency as, but runs about 3x faster.

Environment (~80 mins) (~220 mins)
BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 389.57 ± 29.62 416.31 ± 43.92
PongNoFrameskip-v4 20.55 ± 0.37 20.59 ± 0.35
BeamRiderNoFrameskip-v4 2039.83 ± 1146.62 2445.38 ± 528.91

Learning curves:

Tracked experiments and game play videos:

The has the following features:

  • For the procgen environments
  • Uses IMPALA-style neural network
  • Works with the Discrete action space


poetry install -E procgen
python cleanrl/ --help
python cleanrl/ --env-id starpilot

Explanation of the logged metrics

See related docs for

Implementation details is based on the details in "Appendix" in The 37 Implementation Details of Proximal Policy Optimization, which are as follows:

  1. IMPALA-style Neural Network ( common/

Experiment results

To run benchmark experiments, see benchmark/ Specifically, execute the following command:

We try to match the default setting in openai/train-procgen except that we use the easy distribution mode and total_timesteps=25e6 to save compute. Notice openai/train-procgen has the following settings:

  1. Learning rate annealing is turned off by default
  2. Reward scaling and reward clipping is used

Below are the average episodic returns for To ensure the quality of the implementation, we compared the results against openai/baselies' PPO.

Environment openai/baselies' PPO (Huang et al., 2022)1
StarPilot (easy) 31.40 ± 11.73 33.97 ± 7.86
BossFight (easy) 9.09 ± 2.35 9.35 ± 2.04
BigFish (easy) 21.44 ± 6.73 20.06 ± 5.34

Note that we have run the procgen experiments using the easy distribution for reducing the computational cost.

Learning curves:

Tracked experiments and game play videos:

  1. Huang, Shengyi; Dossa, Rousslan Fernand Julien; Raffin, Antonin; Kanervisto, Anssi; Wang, Weixun (2022). The 37 Implementation Details of Proximal Policy Optimization. ICLR 2022 Blog Track 

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